For The Veteran

I met a man yesterday at a food bank where I take empty egg cartons for their use and occasionally get produce, eggs and other foods that can save me the cost at the grocery store. He was standing outside as I left the church so i struck up a conversation with him. By it being a day to vote in Oklahoma I asked if he had. He responded that he did not want to answer, although he said, he was in a life situation. I asked if he was a veteran and he did indicate he had served. Now, I asked which branch and he said he chose not answer.

I responded, my question was due to an interest to let veterans in Oklahoma know that groups are beginning to meet up together to get their earned service time questions answered and to support each other. I told him that some will be getting answers for the unanswered conditions and needs by coming together. He mentioned that he was suffering from PTSD. I told him the group last week included a vet sharing that very crisis. He became fixed on my words. After assuring him about a safe place and giving him the next meeting date, time and location, he thanked me and I felt a mission was accomplished.

I left, thinking of another veteran who had dropped out of the formation for the rejection he had experienced after returning home. It’s a lonely and shameful feeling to come home from the front and find out you have lost everything you went to save or secure. A soldier is left with mixed emotions and feelings of being lost and abandoned. May the Lord of Heaven help up to reach out and reconcile those who have gone to make a difference in the world. It may take an offense but it can save a veteran. God Bless.

A New Day (reposted)

scan0001.jpgA New Day for Action.
Posted on August 24, 2012

I gave my heart to the LORD as a young 19 year old civil rights activist, the week after the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. It was on Good Friday, that year, in my grandfather’s church (where he was Pastor). Within a week I received my draft notice into the military and it prompted a letter I wrote to Congress about the unconstitutionality of the Draft for men unable to vote..

What I hated as a young man (To become a Soldier) would become the cornerstone of my life as a minister. I have had to fight battles ever since. As a soldier, I was trained, tried and tested in my new faith. Because I was tall I had to have an extra long bed and also uniforms. As a Combat Medic, I was challenged with working on my Holy Day at the post hospital. My first guard duty on base prompted a confrontation because I had already made plans to be in church. Throughout, I have had to respond to challenges and temptations and struggles.that had I not had personal encounters with our heavenly Father would not have seen any victories. .

Now I see the call for duty due to the culture redefining marriage and the family our national heritage and spiritual compass in this century. In my first battle, The Congress of The United States was prompted to draft and pass the 26th Amendment to the Bill of Rights. That amendment gives an 18 year old the right to Vote. It was made law in 1971. (My state Senator Birch Bayh of Indiana pushed it through Congress.)

Today, we are faced with a choice to leave this country better or in ruins for our children and grandchildren. We are faced with redefining our inherited way of life or anchoring and deepening our historical posture. Either way, a series of battles will ensue. We have waited till we must act. Are you ready for some action?

“Constitution Day”

David's Graduation 004I attended a meeting that has trashed “political Correctness” recently and was glad I did. It was there that I was reminded of “Constitution Day” and given copies of a local newspaper honoring the national heritage.
I decided to carry a copy to my neighborhood elementary school and to see what activities were scheduled for the day. To my surprise, as I approached the main entrance I had to stop, push a call button and answer the reason for my visit before getting access to the building. (This was a good thing considering how much our nation has fallen since September 11, 2001.) The magnetic release was engaged and I was allowed to enter.
The secretary paged the principal when I made it clear that I was interested in the activities set for “Constitution Day”and also she escorted me to the office.
I introduced myself and asked what plans were in place to honor “Constitution Day” the answer I received was that it was left up to the individual teachers as to their plans for the event.
I left a copy of the newspaper and of the Constitution Of the United States Of America and suggested not to take up any more of her time and thanked her for seeing me without a scheduled appointment.
As I walked away from that school that day, it hit me that the elementary schools are where the days, months, years. seasons, holidays and vacations were taught when I was in school. Now it looks like the schools have become a prison for our children. ( Having worked in mental health over the past 40 years, I was familiar with thee magnetic locks. However it reinforced how far we have fallen as a nation.) It looks like the schools may be the second most dangerous place for children in our society. (I have been told that “the womb of a mother is the most dangerous”.)
I remembered that we were taught in gym ‘May Day” and rallied around a pole spent half the day with an assembly. I remembered, we had pumpkins carved and a festival for Halloween and I remembered music practices for Christmas and Easter. Would it be right to assume that the foundation of the “Republic” and the “American Dream” are no longer promoted as a standard in the public school system? My thoughts engaged, “Has our public schools become the precursor for mental health?” as I walked to my car.
Do we need a new road-map for our schools? Than I thought. This must be shared with my contacts. So I will first call the veterans to attention, all over the nation. Than I will call the Legislators to accountability. Also I will call the churches to wake up and I will call corporate America to aide us. Look and see, Recently a high school student told me he was not sure civics class was taught in school. Do you want to help me? Look at my “Attention Veterans” page on Facebook. And pray for GOD to have mercy on America.

An Abiding Relationship

After a trip to Michigan, I returned to Chicago where my father lived before driving down to Southern Indiana where I had been asked to come for ministry in two churches. In Chicago I visited with a couple who I had met while dating my wife as we prepared for marriage over forty years ago. This lady was a senior prayer warrior in her local church and wanted to offer blessings on our union. In those days couples were not normally asked to participate in premarital counseling.
This couple, The Johnsons are in their nineties. While he would be celebrating his 99th birthday that Thursday, he talked to me about his work history, his family and marriage before walking me out to my car as he continued to talk about giving his car to a grand son as I prepared to leave them. They had birth two daughters, who proceeded them in life.
Two things that stood out about that visit were the pictures covering the piano of their history and the youthful look that was yet present in the face of this woman as I talked and watched her sharp responses. They told me of their union and at an early age. And I realized it had been over 70 years.
They have a team of workers who come in to assist them in their daily activity and prepare their meals for the day, however they live in the home he told me that was built from the ground for them.

For better Health

This is the opportunity to turn around the health of loved ones and see a higher quality of life. I have personally been using this method and these products for 10 years. On write in Mannatech Revolution. Or you can chose to Explore more on my website at Also I have been using products from a company known as “Youngivity” and this is from a site they will give to nutrition enthusiast.

Taping For TV Issac’s Vision

Recently, I was part of a TV taping with a friend I met over a year ago. He turns 80 in another month and is planning through my insistence a trip back home. Home for him is half way around the world in the city of Jerusalem, Israel
I walked into a prayer breakfast meeting in the fall of 2013. and Issac Halali was giving his testimony to the group of about a dozen men and two women. They gathered weekly around the tables in that private room of a Village Inn Restaurant in Tulsa. He also was promoting a half dozen menorahs he bought alone with him that were hand made and part of his craft by trade.
Immediately, I caught on to his heart when he mentioned that he had fought in the “Six Day War” and told his rendition of that major battle of modern day Israel. He told how the armies of several neighboring countries had been defeated by such a small army in a few hours. He called it a miracle of God. And told how later he met a missionary from Oklahoma, who gave him a Hebrew New Testament telling him she could help him. Also how he was introduced to her daughter who later studied with him and became his wife. They studied the scriptures together and he read where Jesus was the son of David. This astonished him and became curious so he had to study it out. Soon he was tearing down ancient traditions
Although he had built the gates to the Presidential Palace when he was seen going to the Christian church his business began to fail. After four years, they came to the U.S.
Three decades later he heard me ask if he were interested in returning to Israel. He has said to me, he could not believe me. However when his brother called him from Israel a couple of days later, he began to believe it was possible. So in a few days he will fly to Israel for three weeks with his wife. He will be able to travel for the national elections,visit family and to celebrate the Passover. (I wish you could see the excitement on his face.)
We are promoting the ‘NEW MAN’ sharing how GOD gave understanding of the “Covenant of Law” to the Hebrews but the Covenant of Grace is revealed to the Gentiles. “God having provided some better thing for us. That they without us should not be made perfect.” Heb. 11:40 So the New Man gets to look back and forward encouraging the Jew with him. It was the five wise Virgins who had their lamps trimmed and were ready to go into the “Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.” I am calling it Vigilance. Adam was the first Man, however Jesus gave us the example of the NEW MAN. “In Him we live and move and have our being, as certain of your own poets have said, for we are also his off springs” (Acts 17:28)
So together, we sat and were interviewed about this working together to bring forth the Glory and the Kingdom in the One New Man Pray his story is n print with us soon. And pray for the peace of Jerusalem (The City of David, The Zion of God).

Anyone wanting to partner or contribute may go to

Cold And Serving

As our nation is experiencing the season with cold, snow and blizzard conditions, I am reminded of another winter morning when I was a young boy. It was on a School day and I was a Patrol Boy. During the school year at the elementary level, the 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys were recruited to volunteer and serve as Safety Patrol boys. These boys were responsible to get to school early enough in the morning and to put on shoulder and waist straps with a cap and whistle than secure a bamboo pole with a red flag to conduct traffic at corners as the students were coming or leaving school. Their reward would be getting their name placed in brass on a wooden plaque at the end of the school year.

The elementary school went to the eighth grade. The patrol system was broken down into three levels. Eight graders were senior safety patrol boys, Seventh graders were junior patrol and sixth through eight could be substitute patrol boys. The senior patrol boy was given a week to summer camp between his seventh and eighth grade school year.
On one particular morning in February, I was among the boys who worked the street corner with ear muffs and gloves. Both teams were on duty because it was 5 degrees below zero. The seniors started the morning duty until the juniors re-leaved them due to the weather. And it was a cold, dry. windy and cloudy morning.
I remember the morning because it was the first time that both squads worked together and afterwards we all were escorted to the school cafeteria and offered cups of hot chocolate as a reward. It was a blessing for service well done.

Another soldier in the Army

Here is a ministry growing in our land with bikers reaching the highways and byways of our nation. At the church where I am assisting in Tulsa, the group is known as “The Priesthood Metro Chapter.” Their website and detail can be found on http:/
Be sure to look up their “Bikers Creed” and know that where ever the road leads its sure thing that you are not alone and not forsaken.

Travels-in the Land of The Free

It has been a blessing to travel in this country. As a child, I can remember when relatives came to our home from out of town to visit and the many thoughts that ran through the mind about these people. Some were questions like- How have you gotten here? Where did you come from? How long did it take you? Whats so special about all this trip? How are these people connected to us? How long are you going to be here? Let me see if you bought someone for me to play with.? There were the thoughts to see who came and will play with you and what we could play together. Are you going to stay at our house? And how long are you going to be here? Were some of the questions that came up when travelers came to town.

My travels later were a refreshing and curious events. It was a moment to see new places and meet and experience opportunities that were not apart of my home life. These places had maps that needed to be used to find our way or to discover what was there of interest that we could see. In some of these places there were guides or marked trails to show the way, At other times we met family members unknown before who lived in those places. We did some things new and some of the things that were done at home- just in different places and with other people. It was always exciting and challenging.

Than there was the moment to get back to our own home. We had to leave our new found place and return home, After this preparation and exploration the time comes that its all over and we had to get back to that place we came out of- home. Our experiences left us with mixed emotions and attitudes. Going back to normal for us little ones was a chore. Our time and visit had captivated our thoughts fully that we were ready to stay with this new found joy. So packing and reversing our directions, we had to back tract and venture out of this new comfort zone and return to the old standard.

We had conquered interesting  places and experiences. There’s coming a time unlike our travel on earth, I look forward to a trip that is out of this world to a place where we will never come back. Its a reserved place for a reserved people and offered by one who came here to lead us there. He left and promised to send us a guide for He had to get all things ready for our arrival. Just like when dad or mom called ahead to make sure we would have a place to stay on our trip. He came to see who wanted to go and went back to prepare the place.

I remember one day on an assembly line in my hometown asking a man if he knew where he was going after he left this earth. We were putting insulation in the cabinets of refrigerators. It was a Friday afternoon and I was waiting to get off that afternoon because I was going to drive to Chicago, a three hundred mile trip. He told me nobody knew where they were going. I asked him if he knew where he was going when he left work that day and he gave me a reasonable answer for that question. I told him if he knew where he was going after work he could also know where he was going after he dies. Than he asked me if I knew where I was going? I assured him, that I definitely knew where I was going. There were other workers there who began to listen in on the conversation. It appeared that their curiosity was being stirred. I told him that I planned to head towards Chicago just as soon as the horn blew to release us from work. I also told him that when I died I would go to Heaven. He looked around and said. Nobody knows that. And I assured him that I did. He asked, how did I know that and I assured him that I had prepared to do that because one had come to show me the way. He became angry. I realized that if he was attending a church the ministry was not teaching the way of life. He was so angry that he scoffed at my conversation and decided that he did not want to talk to me anymore. So I resigned from our conversation and waited anxiously for the horn to blew, And I would hurry off to get out of there. I wanted to get ahead of the evening traffic and onto the road to Chicago. I was dating and hoped to catch a glance of her before bedtime that night. It was normally a five and a half to six hour drive. The horn would not blow till three PM signaling the end of our work week. At eight thirty I was driving up to my Dad’s home in suburban Chicago.